Message from The Founder

An entrepreneur must firmly believe in the MAP of the business. My definition of MAP is;

M- Marketing ;    A- Accounts & Finance;     P- Product

An entrepreneur should know more about the Market and its ongoing trends and should closely monitor it; should look into the Accounts & Finance of the business and should take decisions accordingly, they should look into the Product themselves which they have to offer and follow the concept of Quality Perfection in designing the product.

The MAP  are actually the navigation of thy business and if the entrepreneur gets clarity of these three things, then they will navigate their business correctly and be able to take lucrative decisions in the right direction!

Abhishek Agarwal

Founder & CEO

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Mr Lalit Agarwal- Chairperson & Chief Mentor

He is an business men with an approach of promptness in every work done. He happens to be an third generation entrepreneur of the family and has experience of retail trade, contracting & supply, distribution, production, investment etc. He believes every customer who hits your business establishment are God and should be treated in that manner no matter how ambiguous they are, they should be satisfied while leaving your door. With an clear approach and principles he had set an milestone in all his work by serving the Government and private sectors both with parity. With more than 40+ years he personally have been an Supplier of goods to various units, battalions and regiments of the Indian Army. He have started multiple businesses in the family and is an instrumental personality when it comes to decision making and growth.

He is an business men with an approach of promptness in every work done. He happens to be an third generation entrepreneur of the family and has experience of retail trade, contracting & supply, distribution, production, investment etc. He believes every customer who hits your business establishment are God and should be treated in that manner no matter how ambiguous they are, they should be satisfied while leaving your door. With an clear approach and principles he had set an milestone in all his work by serving the Government and private sectors both with parity. With more than 40+ years he personally have been an Supplier of goods to various units, battalions and regiments of the Indian Army. He have started multiple businesses in the family and is an instrumental personality when it comes to decision making and growth.

 He guides the whole group with all his experiences from planning till execution and thereafter. He serves as the Chief Mentor to the ventures the group is involved with.

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Mr Abhishek Agarwal- Founder, Managing Director & CEO

An serial entrepreneur over an decade with an business mind which is gifted naturally by his father and forefathers, he is the fourth generation entrepreneur of his family! A dynamic natured personality, he is a firm believer of 'Transformation' & 'Humanitarianism'. He founded & is seeding 'LRA Unified Group' with multiple startups & has a vision to be an fast growing MNC. He holds a decade of experience in the field of building retail market, franchise network, contracting & supply, institutional projects, turnkey projects, restaurant, business development strategies across numerous industries.

An serial entrepreneur over an decade with an business mind which is gifted naturally by his father and forefathers, he is the fourth generation entrepreneur of his family! A dynamic natured personality, he is a firm believer of 'Transformation' & 'Humanitarianism'. He founded & is seeding 'LRA Unified Group' with multiple startups & has a vision to be an fast growing MNC. He holds a decade of experience in the field of building retail market, franchise network, contracting & supply, institutional projects, turnkey projects, restaurant, business development strategies across numerous industries.

He is also an Internationally Authenticated Coach and have successfully coached thousands of clients with regards to their business, startup, life, career, self-help, success, relationship etc across the globe. He has his own niche; i.e. 'Holistic Approach of Coaching'. He has knowledge about several domains and is a Polymath and an constant Learner. He also creates and writes contents across various subjects.

He is the Chief Visionary Officer of the group who envisions receptive ideas, executes and directs the overall working mechanism of the ventures. Being the CEO of the group; he has strategical strength with Marketing & Branding and also serves as the Chief Marketing Officer for the brands; 'Shamiana', 'Shatrunash', 'Sohni Dharti'.